About the Housing Monitor

The Housing Monitor is a new annual nationally representative survey of public views about housing in Australia, conducted by Essential Research for the Centre for Equitable Housing. Through this survey, we endeavour to understand peoples’ broad beliefs and experience of housing. Our questions cover renter, owner occupier and investor attitudes toward:

  • The functioning of the housing system in general
  • Current dwelling experience – building stock quality, rent and mortgage costs, location and services
  • Existing housing policies
  • Potential housing policies
  • Future trends in the housing market
  • Housing as an investment

The research sample is broadly representative of the public: age, income level, tenure type, location, voting intention, marital and parental status, educational level, and many other demographic markers were collected.

The Housing Monitor provides a rich source of data for understanding the different experiences and views people have of housing around the Australia and will be the foundation for a series of thematic papers. Housing affordability is one of the most significant economic and social problems of our time. As such, we will also be making the data available for other researchers to use, in order that the issue can be examined as broadly as possible.

As with any research method there are limitations to this survey. Aiming for national representativity meant that some groups are not well represented by the data. For example, we were not able to gather sufficiently representative data on Indigenous Australians, LGBTQI+ Australians, and people who live in remote areas. We recognise that these groups often experience specific housing challenges and poorer housing outcomes and will seek to improve our research methods in the future. 

This research was only possible thanks to the generosity of V&F Housing Enterprise Foundation, who are founder donors to the Centre for Equitable Housing at Per Capita. 

About V&F Housing Enterprise Foundation

The V & F Housing Enterprise Foundation was established by Ondine Spitzer and Hugh Belfrage in 2021 to promote housing affordability and accessibility in Australia. The Foundation aims to achieve this by resourcing the reform of policy settings that regulate the housing market and supporting those advocating for sufficient provision of housing by government.

V&F Housing Enterprise Foundation believes philanthropy has a clear role to play in facilitating this fundamental social change and hopes to attract other like-minded funders as well as key strategic partners in this quest.

About the Centre for Equitable Housing

The Centre for Equitable Housing (CEH) is a new initiative within Per Capita, which provides research, policy advice and public engagement on housing affordability-related issues. The Centre was established with funding from V&F Housing Enterprise Foundation, in response to the failure of the housing market to deliver a pathway to affordable housing for many Australians in recent decades.

CEH works toward a future where all Australians have access to affordable, secure, and appropriate housing, regardless of their personal circumstances.

Centre for Equitable Housing
