Research Results

Issues with Australia’s housing system

You can use the dropdowns to explore the results of each section in more detail.  For most questions you can view the data by gender, generations within gender, metro / non-metro within states, homeownership, investment property ownership and Australian born (or not). Other subgroups of interest have also been included: 18-34 year old renters, Forty plus women, Households with dependents, Those struggling with their rent / mortgage, Bank of mum and dad, and Recent buyers compared to Potential buyers.

Australia's current housing system provides everybody with access

High housing costs increase household debt and reduce spending in other parts of the economy

Australia's housing policy favours older wealthier people

Hot local property markets can lead to low and middle income workers being unable to live close to their place of work

Construction of public housing has fallen

Estimates show that tax incentives on investment properties may soon cost $20 billion per year

Rising property values increasingly benefit those who are already well off

One of the big reasons house prices keep going up is that there are too many property investors
