Research Results

Opinions about renting

You can use the dropdowns to explore the results of each section in more detail.  For most questions you can view the data by gender, generations within gender, metro / non-metro within states, homeownership, investment property ownership and Australian born (or not). Other subgroups of interest have also been included: 18-34 year old renters, Forty plus women, Households with dependents, Those struggling with their rent / mortgage, Bank of mum and dad, and Recent buyers compared to Potential buyers.

Extent to which tenancy laws are weighted in favour of landlords or tenants

It's difficult to get my landlord to fix anything

It's difficult to get the public housing authority / community housing provider to fix anything

I’m confident I will be able to live in this home as long as I would like

I would be happy to rent long term if I could treat the property as my home
